Use "theres no saying|there no saying" in a sentence

1. Bystander intervention practices saying “no” assertively

2. I have no recollection of saying that.

3. You try saying no to these salty parabolas.

4. No one is saying that asset allocation is bad.

5. He was saying no more than the literal truth.

6. Your saying no also trains a child for adulthood.

7. 15 She had no inhibitions about saying what she felt.

8. No one's saying estranged couples have to play happy families.

9. If no error is identified, the taxpayer will receive a letter saying that no adjustment is necessary.

10. But Brother Vosloo quotes Gisela as saying adamantly, “No gun or rifle.”

11. Well, I'm saying that Connors didn't want no part of this broad.

12. When the Maiers sold the property to the Pimentels, they signed a statement saying there were no significant easements.

13. The teenage children respond to their parents by saying sullenly, “Yes,” or “No.”

14. He heard the words the Curator was saying but he made no reply.

15. However, church officials have refused saying a teddy bear has no religious significance.

16. Sarkozy earlier played down the furor, saying, " There's no need to dramatize things. "

17. There is a saying: Safety First.

18. Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the worldcan explain.

19. Amiables have a difficult time saying “no,” even when their workload is already stressful

20. Allen back-pedalled(Sentencedict), saying that he had had no intention of offending them.

21. 22 If you don't invest in this, you're saying no to a potential fortune.

22. 8 Allen back-pedalled, saying that he had had no intention of offending them.

23. 30 Sarkozy earlier played down the furor, saying,[] " There's no need to dramatize things. "

24. But Boston stands alone in saying officially and unequivocally that no such condition exists here.

25. 26 Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the worldcan explain.

26. 12 If you don't invest in these shares,( you're saying no to a fortune.

27. They have a thousand ways of saying no, and only some of them mean yes.

28. Such parents vacillate between saying no and giving in — but neither response seems satisfactory to them.

29. I had no idea that I was saying something that was painful. Please forgive my thoughtlessness.

30. 16 No straw is given to your servants, yet they are saying to us, ‘Make bricks!’

31. That is one reason why I have no hesitation in saying that I support Stagecoach also.

32. There is a saying, “Laughter is good medicine.”

33. I'm saying there was an energy pulse right here.

34. They have a very hard time saying no to momentary pleasures, regardless of the risks or consequences.

35. Besides condemning vulgarities, one rule forbade all small talk and jokes, saying: “No disciple shall speak such things.”

36. We were saying we'd like to bid on the boat, yet no one's told us the opening number.

37. Are you saying that 16 women were killed in there?

38. If you Balk at your mother's suggestion that you take on more responsibility, you're saying no to added chores

39. 10 His propensity for saying yes when no would have been more appropriate kept getting the partnership into trouble.

40. Saying No says to the interviewer that you are not very interested in the company and not very smart .

41. And it's no use calling a spade an effing shovel, when saying spade would have been far more effective.

42. The BCCI Chief, Mr. Srinivasan, has refused to step down form his position saying he has done no wrong.

43. Stop saying " ass ".

44. I'm just saying.

45. "My country, right or wrong," is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, "My mother, drunk or sober.". G.K. Chesterton 

46. If you use Appropriacy in your language you will sound pompous and no one will understand what you are saying.

47. There is an old saying, “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

48. There is an old saying that actions speak louder than words.

49. There is a sign saying Keep off the Grass a park.

50. In saying that his sons look like Adonises, he is saying that

51. Alderwomen Anita Dugatto and Sarah Widomski voted no, saying they wanted a little more time to talk about the issue.

52. Adhering to these chains guaranteed by paternal law that by saying no to fusion ensures their stability, thus guarantees stable identity.

53. I'm saying he misrepresented.

54. Note : There is an English saying, " Every cloud has a silver lining. "

55. The first 20 minutes were no fluke, as they are probably saying on talk radio shows in Kentucky right this moment.

56. The psalmist said: “Fix my own steps solidly in your saying, and may no kind of hurtful thing domineer over me.

57. The Belfry came in for criticism with some newspapers saying it was no place to stage a match of this importance.

58. "Categorically" sounds like an assertion that there is no evidence worth considering, no detail to examine, no substance at all to what Wax is asserting, that nothing Wax is saying is even partly true or true some of the time, and that's just ridiculous

59. There is a saying that behind every successful man there's a woman.

60. What is she saying?

61. 4 He mitigated the problem by saying that the Son's generation by the Father is no event in time but is eternal.

62. No, no, leave it there

63. Nevertheless, Christians strive hard to say no to worldly desires, aware that by so doing, they are saying yes to their Creator.

64. There are no soldiers, no tanks, no guns.

65. Fain would we have washed away the stains of travel; but he was urgent, saying that the king's word Brooked no delay.

66. 23 There was no electricity, no plumbing, no telephone, no wireless, no phonograph, no nothing.

67. He wouldn't risk saying more.

68. that's what you keep saying.

69. He kept saying, " Please, God. "

70. Stop saying you don't know.

71. There is an old saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

72. I am not saying you.

73. Anyhow, as I was saying ...

74. 1 There is no separating stream; no ferryboat, no ferryman; no Buddhism, no Buddha.

75. No, God the Creator was saying that he, as the superior, was approving a lesser one, his Son Jesus, for the work ahead.

76. 29 There is no separating stream; no ferryboat, no ferryman; no Buddhism, no Buddha.

77. There ain't no barn no more.

78. Newsweek reports that various “Third World” nations are now saying that their governments will ‘have no difficulties in dealing with a Communist regime.’

79. There was no progress, no innovation.

80. There were no jobs, no opportunities.